doValue Greece Real Estate Services, focusing on best practices and excellent and comprehensive customer support, received the ISO 9001 certification.
ISO 9001 is the most widespread and recognized international standard for quality management. The Standard reflects the requirements for the systematic control of a company’s operations to ensure the satisfaction of customer needs and requirements.
In addition, customers and suppliers know that the Quality Management System adheres to the seven quality management principles on which ISO 9001 is based:
doValue Greece Real Estate Services, receiving the above international certifications, continues with dedication to the quality of its services to create value for its customers through innovative strategies and high specialization.
ISO/IEC 27001:2022
doValue Greece Real Estate Services, demonstrating its commitment to the protection of information and aiming to strengthen the trust of clients, partners, and stakeholders, is obtaining the ISO/IEC 27001 standard
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard defines the requirements for the design, implementation, maintenance, monitoring, and continuous improvement of an Information Security Management System.
It is an internationally recognized standard for information security management and applies to all types of organizations, regardless of their nature, size, or service.
The benefits of implementing an Information Security Management System include, among others:
It demonstrates that internal controls for information security are in place, relevant legislation and regulations are applied.
It demonstrates management’s commitment to information security and compliance with international standards.
It shows that the organization has assessed risks and implemented measures to mitigate their impact on the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information.
It ensures the existence of appropriate roles and responsibilities related to information security.
It strengthens the trust of business partners and enhances the company’s competitive advantage by building trust both externally (market) and internally (staff) through the implementation of the Security Policy.
It reduces the cost of potential data loss due to a security incident.
It forms the basis for compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EE) 679/2016.